Directing PROJECTS
Director, Co-Producer, LUNA HIENA (1998) devised by cast; site-specific - House of Culture; Mieres, Spain.
A writer finds himself wrapped up in the world of a sect and the audience finds itself wrapped up in the set.
Director, Co-Producer, MACBETH SESE SEKO (1997) adapted from Shakespeare by Kopila; site-specific - Plaza de Jovellanos; Gijón, Spain - - - An open-air grand scale political adaptation of the life of Zaire’s dictator, Mobutu Sese Seko.
Co-Director, Co-Producer, Choreographer, QUIET COME DAWN (2009) by YaliniDream; An interdisciplinary piece on the power of self-love and overcoming dilemmas - Embody Dance; Brooklyn, NY.
Director, EL ATADECER DE ANGEL GONZALEZ (1997) by Angel Gonzalez; site-specific - Luzernario Studio; Gijón, Spain - - - This fierce dramatization of poems studies the tombs we build around ourselves using stones, words, and history.
Director, PARTYTIME (1996) by Harold Pinter - Theatre Studio; NYC.
Contemporary jazz, slamming into the end of each crisp vignette, preps us for the only uninvited guest.
Director, THE BOAT PEOPLE (2001) by Nahed Nayla Naguib - Immigrant’s Theatre Project; NYC.
Refugees from Malaysia, Egypt, Vietnam, and China, seeking asylum from economic and political repression uncover their true motivations in life.
Director, BLACK GIRL UGLY (2009) Conceived by Ashley Brockington, devised by cast; 3 Blacktresses share the stories of their lives with humor and satire - WOW Café Theatre; NYC.